Katelyn has been ready to go trick or treating for about 3 weeks now. She has been practicing what to say and perfecting her thank you. She wore her Halloween costume starting at about 7:00 this morning. We were all ready. House #1--she fussed for me to carry her and said nothing! As soon as the door closed she said Trick or treat and more. Then ran down teh driveway and headed towards House #2 saying "trick or treat" the whole way. House #2--stood by herself but still wouldn't say "trick or treat". She did say Thank you however. House #3---said Trick or Treat, thank you, and even followed the man inside (THANK YOU DADA! CLYDE!) I think next year we are going are in for an all night trick or treat event!! She was sad to get out of her costume but exhausted after running around the neighborhood street.
ADORABLE! ADORABLE! ADORABLE! Katelyn I just want to squeeze you and take you home with me. You are getting to be such a big girl. I love the new background to your webpage!!! Love you!