Sorry for the delay in posting new Katelyn updates. We have no reason for not posting other than we just didn't! SORRY!!! We need to do a better job of keeping the blog updated. Maybe since it is now summer vacation for Kathy and Katelyn we will do that.
Katelyn is now walking and running all over the house. She has many bumps and bruises because she thinks she is invincible and won't get hurt. Just the other night she fell into the TV stand and cut her forehead. There is still a cut there but she doesn't seem to mind it anymore.
Katelyn has also discovered the joy of the trashcan. EVERYTHING gets thrown away. She threw away a girl's headband and movie at daycare earlier this week. She threw away tissues, a block, and a toy hat today at our house. I love the idea of her helping out around the house but apparently we need to teach her rules for cleaning up.
Here are pictures from her 1 year old photo shoot. ENJOY!

Multiple hairstyles at one photo shoot?! You are amazing!