Saturday, February 13, 2010

snow...round 2!

As if 28 inches wasn't enough! Round 2 of the February snow storm brought us 24 more inches! With round 2 came A LOT of winds also. Some how our little house on top of the hill didn't loose power! The three little pigs were pretty smart to build houses out of bricks. No wolf or wind can knock down these walls! We again had to shovel out our driveway. It was waist deep in some parts. There are snow drifts higher than the fence in the back yard and about 5 feet high on our front porch. There are pictures of our driveway after the BIG DIG OUT, our street, the back yard, and the front porch. The street picture is a snow drift that the snow plow got went through. Snow higher than cars and trucks! We can't wait for this all to melt. We weren't thinking about an indoor pool but it just may happen in our basement. (HOPEFULLY NOT!!!!!!)

Snowed in....

As you all know we have been snowed in for about a week now! While it was snowing outside we were inside warm, cozy, playing, eating, playing, playing, sleeping, and did I say playing! Katelyn is crawling all over the house. Now that she mastered the art of the "crawl" she is working on SPEED! Turn your back for a split second and the girl is gone! Katelyn is also working on pulling herself up. She loves standing at the coffee table. She still hasn't realized that when she lets go of the table she falls. She has the bumps and bruises to prove it. Hopefully she will figure that out soon so we don't end up in the emergency room or remodeling our house to have rubber walls, floors, furniture, etc. Katelyn also decided that nap time is a good time to work on her standing skills. As you can see she loves pulling herself up in the crib. We have already lowered the matress to the lowest level to slow down the escape artist!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

This is our mailbox on Saturday afternoon and Clyde enjoying the snow shoveling.

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More snow pics

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Where is Kathy?

We took some time out from shoveling to have some fun too. Kathy is enjoying the snow at this point. Ask her about it today though.

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We are digging out from the 30 inches of snow in our driveway. Here are some pics.
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